I wrote not to long ago about EDC lights and my opinions on them. Now I want to talk just a little about a class I am going to offer to utilize them when there is darkness in your world and why you should take it.
The majority of shootings according to the FBI occur in low light and in distance less than 11 feet. I can personally tell you I remember most of the times I had my pistol in my hand at work was in the middle of the dark morning in a single wide trailer or really close to a stopped vehicle shouting commands.
Now darkness does not just mean between the hours of 2100 and 0700 in the day. It could mean your basement, a movie theater without power, your home when you hear a sound at the door, an abandoned building or warehouse, or any other area where the sunshine pump doesn't work. And then combine the fact that you have to go looking for whatever the problem and and it is dark. FML right?
Appropriate Action's Pistol usage in darkness class is around an 8 hour on the range instruction that deals with the little problems that come about having to use a pistol in a dark environment. Only people who have completed a state mandated handgun carry permit class, completed a pistol class from a reputable organization, current or former law enforcement and military, or an alumni of Appropriate Action will be able to attend.
The first hours of the class will start in the late afternoon. First off will be a small safety brief and lecture about how the human eye works in reduced light explained in plain language. Next will be several different flashlights will be shown and explain their different brightness levels and modes of operation. After that, several different flashlight positions will be explained and what situations they are used in.
After the lecture part is over for the day the students will move to the range and practice one handed manipulation of the pistol with the light in the non-dominant hand. We will practice all of the hand held light positions covered while it is still light outside. That way in a safer environment we can see what the student is doing and correct any issues before the lights go out. Once that is done the students will live fire the positions under static and movement conditions. After that there will be a brief "dinner" break.
Once everyone has came back a safety brief will start again and by that time it should be dark enough to use the their lights.Starting off with smaller skill building drills we will move up to using full scale silhouette targets at confrontational distance. Movement will yet again be covered as well as scanning and assessing any other threats. For those who have not dealt with it we will cover moving around corners
The day will end with a final exercise that should be challenging and fun for everyone. I hate working folks hard and they not leave without a sense of accomplishing something and a smile. A final few minute debrief and they go home hopefully the wiser.
Tim Davis, Jr. is a full time law Enforcement Professional,
martial arts, and a part time firearms instructor. He has firearms
experience spanning over 15 years ranging from several schools in
advanced tactical response to time spent in Afghanistan working with
their law enforcement program. Tim is the co-owner of Appropriate Action
in Englewood TN.
You can Contact him at soulreaver604@hotmail.com
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