Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Medical Preparedness for the Outdoorsman

      It has happened many times. People go into the great outdoors and get badly hurt through no fault of their own or pure negligence. How Many People are Killed or Injured in Hunting Accidents? According to the International Hunter Education Association, approximately 1,000 over a period of time. Now hiking and other outdoor activities numbers are not quite so high. But, how many times on the nightly news you see someone in the national forest becoming a casualty? Could they have saved themselves or helped someone that was hurt in their group? It comes down to a matter of training and keeping their wits about them. 

     You may have seen such techniques and skills used on survival reality shows. You may have known someone saved overseas by their military medical training. What if you could take a course that will give you the basics of how to deal with an injury to yourself or someone you know till you can get to help? What would you be willing to pay for that kind of lifesaving information?

Iraqi newborn checkup 2004
     In 2014 Appropriate Action will be offering a Medical Preparedness for the Outdoors-man course taught by Caleb Martin. Caleb is one of our local Fire Captain EMT-IVs who currently serves in the TN Army National Guard as a 68W Trauma Specialist in a reserve status. Mr. Martin has spent 12 years as a Medic in the United States Army. During this time Mr. Martin has completed multiple tours of duty inside the Middle East for combat operations as well as CONUS for Humanitarian and Border Protection assignments. During combat operations Mr. Martin served as a line medic and foreign training advisor for host nation forces in austere conditions. Currently Mr. Martin’s role in the Military is training soldiers in Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) and medical readiness. During everyday life Mr. Martin responds to a variety medical emergency as a member of his fire and local Emergency Medical Service provider.

     To see when this class is coming or see details in video form check out Appropriate Action's website listed below.

     Tim Davis, Jr. is a full time law Enforcement Professional, martial arts, and a part time firearms instructor. He has firearms experience spanning over 15 years ranging from several schools in advanced tactical response to time spent in Afghanistan working with their law enforcement program. Tim is the co-owner of Appropriate Action in Englewood TN. 
