Monday, January 28, 2013

Going for a start

     My father thought I should write a few articles with my experiences on firearms handling and my theories on how they should be used in the world. He has his own website that is popular for Christianity. Another person I know is a budding writer +Mylo Ayjack and has done her own blog. I was inspired. So..... I thought I would give a blog a whirl.

     By no means am I extreme right wing extremest. I don't plan on overthrowing any government either on the federal, state, or local level. Unless........they extend past their constitutional given powers. I am a prepper. However, I'm not like the ones you see on National Geographic. I live in an area that likes to flood and get hit by a good tornado once a year. That is why I do what I do with prepping. Other than that I keep to myself. I am an educator.... By double profession.

     I deal with the public every day I work. Some of urban legends around firearms have been promising at most and scary at its worst. I have seen more than a few people shot by "unloaded" firearms and a few others that have not payed attention to the backstop on their target and have shot through their neighbors home landing a trip to jail for felony reckless endangerment. More than not it is bad decisions and poor training that make firearms owners look ignorant and dangerous. All you gotta to hear on the range is "Hey Tim....check this out." And I know right then I might need to go to my truck and get my trauma kit.

     Moreover, I just want folks to be safe with their firearms. Because in the end it takes just one bad example to give everyone else a bad name.


     When I train and teach I follow these rules:

     1. Treat all guns as if they are loaded.
     2. Never point a weapon at anything you don't intend to destroy.
     3. Keep your finger straight, and off the trigger until you are ready to fire.
     4. Be aware of your targets foreground and background

     These rules cover most situations as far as firearms are involved. I use them at work and at home.

     Tim Davis, Jr. is a full time law Enforcement Professional, martial arts, and a part time firearms instructor. He has firearms experience spanning over 15 years ranging from several schools in advanced tactical response to time spent in Afghanistan working with their law enforcement program. Tim is the co-owner of Appropriate Action in Englewood TN.

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